Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Los Angeles
This Sunday 11/16/2008
4:30pm to 9:00 pm
Only 40 available tickets left!

A Magical Interactive
and Dinner Workshop!

The Mega Way "I AM" Holistic Cooking Workshop/Organic Dinner, is guaranteed to heal the body, heart, and soul, and was created by International speaker, Author, Holistic Nutritionist, and Organic Chef Brigitte M. Britton.

Only 40 tickets left!
For ticket information:

646. 912. 5547

or please visit:

$99 for two tickets
or $75 PP
$800 value gift bags!

This workshop is comprised of an interactive holistic cooking segment, an "I AM" Healing Meditation, Mini-Reiki sessions, Mini-Energetic Body & Soul sessions and an empowering Organic dinner with Organic wine. Featuring The International Mega Way Green Team of Health & Spiritual Professionals..

Celebrities attending include: Maria Conchita Alonso (VH1's Viva Hollywood), Patrick Kilpatrick (Minority Report/Shark) Tracy Bingham (Baywatch), Leila Milani (Deal or No Deal), Carmen Perez (Nip/Tuck) and many other industry notables.

The event will take place
at 3rd point Studios.

Sponsors include: Health Direct USA, Beverly Hills Times Magazine, The Mega Way Meals, Dr. Leif Rodgers, and Sunstyle Tanning.

Proceeds from the evening's event will benefit The Worldwide Children's Foundation of New York, the Los Angeles based Love Planet Foundation & PETA.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The MEGA Way: Organic Protein Shakes & Liquid Vitamins

The MEGA Way
Organic Protein Shakes & Liquid Vitamins
Give the gift of a week of great health,
energy and balance!

$50 per week special

Shake Ingredients:
  • Organic Whey Protein 28g
  • Organic Wheat Grass 1g
  • Himalayan Goji Berries 1g
  • Organic Flax Seeds 12g
  • L-Glutamine 500mg
  • L-Carnitine 500mg
  • L-Arginine 500mg
  • Ester C 500mg
  • 32 minerals & B Vitamins
  • Organic Ground Cinnamon 1g
  • Potassium-Magnesium 300mg
Shake Benefits:
  • Supports lean muscles
  • Ph Balances your body, alkalizes
  • High in Antioxidants, vitamin C
  • Omega 3-Supports digestive health
  • Amino supports joints & muscles
  • Amino supports fat loss
  • Amino supports fat loss/Anti-aging
  • Supports oxygen flow
  • Body Balance
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Body Balance
The MEGA Way Organic Protein Shake
also assists in the following health issues:

Weight/Body Fat Loss (for real), Lowers cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Balances Blood sugar levels, Hormones, IBS, Chrone’s Disease, Acid Reflux, MS, Arthritis, Obesity, Eating Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Emotional Balance and many more.
Dont DelayStart Living Today
The MEGA Way!

Brigitte M. Britton, HN

Brigitte M. Britton, HN

Author, Holistic Nutritionist-Organic Chef

Initial Holistic Nutritional Consult $400.00

Follow-Up Consultation $200.00
  • Includes The MEGA Way book in PDF format

  • A complete personal nutritional health evaluation

  • 90-days of customized menu’s

  • 90-days of customized workout programs

  • Bi-Weekly Email support for 90 days

  • Bi-Monthly phone support for 90-days
*Ask about The MEGA Way
Private 8 hour Organic cooking class $2,500.00
Includes the preparation of all your entrees for 2 months …(cost of food not included)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Suggested Links

The links below are companies we respect and honor. They are integrity based with great intentions!

Jim Caras-CEO Health Direct USA
The Best Liquid Vitamins in World

Gloria Kisel PR-Media-Socialite

SHEKINA Angelic Channel-Healer

Vivian Eisenstadt Physical Therapist-Energy Healer

Sandy Fox & Lex Lang H20mwater with INTENTION

The Love Planet Foundation

Alexander Conti-Founder The Worldwide Children's Foundation

Adam Schmidt Herbologist-Healer


Aleta St James Success Coach-Energy Healer

The Best Fresh Wild Fish on the Planet

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our Website Resource

Meet my friend, Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, a man of many talents, and someone who has always been highly motivated to help others.

Trained as a Clinical Social Worker, he has been professionally helping people, in one way or another, since 1975 when he obtained his Master's degree in Social Work at California State University at Sacramento.

So beloved by his clients, he has been given several nicknames. The original of these was Mr. Maximizing Your Potential for his motivational articles, lectures, radio commentaries, seminars, and workshops on the topic of maximizing your potential as a parent and a person.

Since his relocation to San Antonio where he started helping small business owners improve their online marketing through the use of blogs, it wasn't long before they started calling him The Master Blog Builder.

I highly recommend that you visit Etienne's sites if you need:
  • assistance with marketing and managing customer retention:

    Want to increase your marketing efforts while reducing your advertising costs? Looking for creative and successful ways to drive more traffic
    to your storefronts or websites? Want to keep your customers coming back? Want to learn secrets about having them refer their family and friends?

    Then visit Etienne at

  • internet safety protection:

    Want to learn from a professional advocate and educator who consults with individuals, small business owners, and home-based entrepreneurs regarding online protection against spyware, viruses, hackers, and other computer-disabling cybercrimes? Want to test your computer for free to see which hackers, spyware, and viruses are hidden within?

    Then visit Etienne at .
  • professional speaker:

    Looking for a dynamic speaker noted for delivering credible and powerful presentations? Want to learn how to communicate with a true sense of authority? Want to speak and think on your feet? Want to learn how to enhance the current and potential people skills of your employees? Looking for a keynote professional to speak at your company event on the topic of customer service, human relations, parenting, or motivation?

    Then visit Etienne at .

  • management trainer:

    Want to develop the loyalty and trust of your customers and staff? Want to improve your parenting or presentation skills? Need help managing people, programs, and projects under pressure? Through his specially designed seminars and workshops, Etienne will help you and your employees improve communication, customer service, human relations, leadership, motivation, or professional skills. Sounds like something you were looking for? Then look no further.

    Just visit Etienne at .
  • online access to all your travel and vacation needs:

    Looking for the best deals on airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, and related vacation packages? Need updated information on travel health advisories, visa and passport requirements along with the application form, mapping your travel addresses, airport delay reports, and world time zones? His travel resources section has them all – and more! Be sure to sign up for his free Deals and Steals newsletter for some of the best deals in the travel industry. Can't wait to learn more?

    Then visit Etienne at .

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Available Products

The MEGA Way Trilogy Books
will be available soon!

They will be the first "paper" books
ever made from stone!

100% eco friendly!
Printed with Soy Ink...




Book One


Plus S/H

Holistic Nutritional Guide covers everything you need to know about how your body works written in conversational format! Customized for your Body Type, Blood Type & Hormone Balance achieved through mild inner cleansing and holistic nutrition.

Included is a 5-minute empowering
affirmation breathing meditation CD.





Book Two


Plus S/H

A 30-Day Holistic, Nutritional Lifestyle Program,
customized for your Body Type,
and Blood Type.

Includes daily menu's for your Body Type and Blood Type. Original quick 8 minute Organic Recipes, Daily letter from the author supporting you on this program and your personal Daily Entry Journal!

Included is a "How To Step-By-Step"
2-hour Holistic Cooking DVD





Book Three


Plus S/H

Introduction To:

Weight Lifting for Men and Women. An easy to follow how-to properly lift weights. With 30 days of workout sheets, letter from the author sharing fitness tips and 30 personal Daily Journal Entry Sheets!

Including a step-by-step 2 hour DVD showing you proper form, technique and the right way to properly lift weights for each muscle group!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Power of a Good Self-image

By Brigette M. Britton

If you would ask me what I think the most important self-empowering tool is, I would definitely have to say A GOOD SELF-IMAGE! Without a good self-image NOTHING you do will really matter because of HOW you see and FEEL about yourself.

The first important step in reaching a balance in one's life is in loving yourself NO MATTER WHAT! Now, I am not saying it’s an easy thing to do believe me. It’s a daily, on going battle for me. But guess who’s winning? I am and so can you!

Here are some examples of famous people who died because they didn’t love themselves as well as didn’t posses a good self-image (although EVERYONE on this planet worshipped them) Elvis Presley, John Belushi, Janis Joplin, River Phoenix, and Jim Morrison, just to name a few.

The key here is not what anyone else thinks about you! It’s how you FEEL and THINK about you! Just like all those dead famous people who were worshipped by millions, what good did that do if THEY didn’t love themselves? They died in search of approval and love. Although the newspapers said drug overdose, why do you think they did drugs to begin with? They were sad, lost extremely talented souls !

In the next several pages I will share some wonderful “Good Self Image” secrets that have worked for me. I practice them daily so that I too can reach a self-loving balance in my life with you my brother-sister readers!

First of all, get rid of your “I LOOK UGLY AND HATE MY BODY” mirrors (you know which ones I mean). Go either to Wal Mart or K Mart and buy a “I look leaner and love my body Mirror”. It only costs like $15 and, trust me, when I tell you it works! One of the first steps towards achieving a good self-image starts with LOVING OUR BODIES!

If you own the I LOOK distorted MIRRORS and see yourself that way everyday, it is not a good or empowering way to start your day. I know most positive self-image books SAY love yourself as you are! It’s easier said then done, so I KNOW from personal experience that it REALLY helps to be able to at least see yourself a little leaner then heavier.

Also, avoid looking in any other mirror, when you pass by one look the other way as they are distorted and normally make you look 15lbs heavier. Your thoughts create your reality, trust me, I know first hand!

Second, from the first moment you wake up in the morning and the last moment before you go beddie bye, please try to do the following: Sit really close in front of your mirror and look deeply into your own eyes and repeat, (using your own name, of course) I, BRIGITTE MALAAYA, LOVE MYSELF, I APPRECIATE MYSELF and I THANK GOD FOR MYSELF.

At first you might feel a little self-conscious and weird, I know I did! I can promise you that this too will pass and instead you will be in awe at how powerful and loving you will feel just by looking deeply into your own eyes. Think about that old, wise saying “The Path to your soul is seen in your eyes”. It’s certainly true.

Do not take this exercise lightly, it is VERY important and will have a definite powerful impact in your daily life. Also, make sure to repeat each phrase three times and take deep breaths before each one and be grateful that you can breathe!

Third, do not focus on what you feel are your misgivings. We all have them to one degree or another as they are part of us all, instead we embrace and accept them and we work on improving them! I still practice this exercise daily, you see, I personally have NEVER had a good self-image and sometimes still don’t, but I make a daily effort to remind myself that I am a loving, beautiful and kind being and always will be!

I also make it a point to tell people I love, how wonderful and beautiful they are on a daily basis because by empowering others, you in turn empower yourself. Besides, it feels great to see that just some kind words can bring such joy in their eyes. Think about how you feel when someone gives you a sincere compliment, it literally makes your whole day a little brighter!

Now, no matter what you change on the outside, the inside is even more important, so, please try to include nourishing, loving thoughts like; “I Love Myself, because I have a great heart”, or “I Love Myself, because I am a forgiving and compassionate being”. It is not conceited to love yourself, it is essential to love yourself.

How can you love anyone else, if you don’t love yourself? Give this some serious thought. It’s like, you must first be “The Love of your life” before you can be the love of someone else’s life! Can you honestly expect anyone else to really love you if you don’t really love yourself? Does this make any sense to you?

By becoming a self-loving being, you can then easily be, loving to others. Make an effort at least once a day to tell one other person that you love them. It doesn’t matter if they say it back, only that you can say it and mean it.

Fourth, be honest with yourself, a very important exercise. Really look at yourself, inside and out. If need be, make a list of all the things you like and love as well as dislike about yourself and read it carefully. Are these your beliefs or someone else’s?

In most cases the negative voices in our heads belong to others! Sad but usually true? Now, think about the things you love about yourself and change the things you don’t. Simple. Right? Well, maybe not that simple, but most definitely doable. Like anything else in life, everything worthwhile takes some degree of passion and desire! So get passionate!

© Brigette M. Britton and The Mega Way

Resource Box:
Brigette Malaaya Britton, author, holistic nutritionist, and organic gourmet chef, is on a mission is to spread awareness in conscious eating thru cooking and healing. For more information, visit Brigitte's site at

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Get Over Yourself

By Brigette M. Britton

Imagine waking up every single day HAPPY! Can this be possible? I guess that would depend on what YOU consider "Being Happy" means. Speaking for myself, there are so many things that make me happy. The most important one is being in a good place within myself, which for me starts with having total faith in myself,
and in God.

I am not by any means a religious person but I definitely believe in God! Anytime someone asks me what I think God represents or means the first thing that comes to mind is LOVE, GOD IS LOVE! Think about it, if God wasn’t pure unconditional love first, most of us would not be here right now.

So, in light of this fact, Get Over Yourself! I mean if God loves us no matter what, why in the world are we not happy?! Not to mention us loving ourselves, which makes two great loves in our lives and we are just getting started!

OK, so now let’s start with some of our friends, all I ever hear from many of my friends is what they are not getting! Hello! How about what are they giving? To have a great friend don’t you agree that it starts by being a great friend first? I strongly suggest Getting over yourselves again!

Instead of "Give me!" How about, "What can I Give you?"

Where did I start "Getting Over Myself" you must be wondering? Here goes, it took me a long time to get to this "Being Happy" place I am now.

It wasn’t until I truly accepted everything about myself in other words "GOT OVER MYSELF". You know the little pity parties about how life isn’t fair and I’m such a good person blah, blah, blah! All that is considered normal, standard behavior but does it really work?

Getting over one’s self starts with first having the desire to change, then accepting the change and last, not attaching yourself to it. We all have our personal skeletons and excess baggage hiding in some closet, and only when we are sick and tired of the bulls… will we then make the effort and find the desire and passion within ourselves to change.

So, instead of waking up every day dreading or avoiding your lives, how about being grateful for your health, thankful for the love of GOD, our families and friends, grateful and thankful for every breath we take, and in constant awe of the beauty of life that envelopes us.

A great way to start your day would be to make a list of all the great things you have done in your life, then pat yourself on the back for all those great things. Now, make another list of things you know you can do. Last a list of things you wish you could do.

Now it’s time to start the one thing you really wish you could do. Enter this one thing at the top of your new list and put all the passion and desire you have in you into this wish and observe the birth of a miracle created by you!

Always remember to stay focused in your moment-to-moment steps leading towards the development of your personal miracle. Believe it or not by being in the moment-to-moment experiences in your own life you walk hand in hand with God because now YOU are the CO-CREATOR of your life.

In summary, do you believe in your heart that you deserve to be happy all the time? If you don’t, then why not start now?! Forget all the old voices in your head that say, "You haven’t suffered enough". Or "You haven’t paid your dues." Or, "Who do you think you are to always wanting to be happy?"

There is an old expression, which goes like this "What you think of me is none of my business!" Actually, if I remember correctly, there is a book titled that too and it’s pretty funny. Anyway, it doesn’t get any clearer than that. So, now you all can get over yourselves by just having faith, passion and desire in your hearts as your leaders instead of those old, suppressing voices you hear in your heads that can only exist if you allow them to!

Make a daily, conscious effort to send blessings, love and light to all those around you particularly when they hurt and or annoy you. Try to keep in mind that they too are sometimes lost souls searching for love and acceptance in their lives but don’t have the right tools to guide them.

This doesn’t mean you have to hang out with these people, it simply means maybe you can make a small effort to be kind to them when and if they happen to cross your path. I can promise you from personal experience that you will feel a whole lot better about yourself for it.

As you can see, I too am still on my own journey, and from my mouth to God’s ears will continue this journey in this life and the next! Aren’t we all here to learn and to teach? What fun would it be, if we had nothing to learn and nothing to teach? You got it, no fun at all! So, if we can all make a small effort every day to change something that doesn’t work to something that does before we know it we will all be "Living and Eating in Balance for Life, The MEGA Way."

© Brigette M. Britton and The Mega Way

Resource Box:
Brigette Malaaya Britton, author, holistic nutritionist, and organic gourmet chef, is on a mission is to spread awareness in conscious eating thru cooking and healing. For more information, visit Brigitte's site at

Monday, October 6, 2008

Commit to Change your Thoughts

by Brigette Malaaya Britton

An important step towards achieving an overall state of balance in life is making and keeping personal commitments. You will need to reach a point in your life where whatever you are doing and thinking is not really working and you have reached your limit in allowing the self-sabotaging patterns constantly repeating themselves.

Just realizing and admitting this is the first step, now it’s time to take charge and consciously choose your moment-to-moment thoughts, which lead to your moment-to-moment actions. First, pay attention to each thought as it comes, and why you have each particular thought positive or negative as they both matter equally.

Once you understand why you have and created each thought, you can recreate it to a more positive and empowering one. So, in essence you are now making a
conscious commitment by taking charge of each and every thought even if it means doing this over and over and over again.

Remember that it has taken you a long time to develop bad habits, thoughts and actions so be patient with yourself as it may take a little time to change them.

This is an example of your old, useless thoughts: “There is no way I could ever be great at anything”! Now, replace it with “I can be and I am great at anything and everything I choose to be” or “Everyone says I’m slow and stupid, so why should I bother”? Replace this with “It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks but me, and I know I can do anything I put my mind and heart to”!

It really is that easy and you will be amazed that just by committing to change your daily negative thoughts to consciously positive ones your reality will also become positive and empowering.

The more you consciously practice changing your negative thoughts and actions to positive self-empowering thoughts and actions, the more positive and empowering things will start happening to you on a regular basis! Your life will become a series of wonderful events with inspiring, loving people more often then not.

When I wake up every morning, I usually have happy, light and loving thoughts and feelings about everything. I mean I have the jingle “Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat” in my head. Can you imagine that? Unfortunately those thoughts and feelings don’t last for long because the old negative ones somehow sneak their way right back in and I literally have to replace them sometimes 20 to 30 times each with a positive, loving thought and feeling. So, as you can see, it takes daily work! (But it is definitely worth it!) Being grateful and thankful is also key!

I have also noticed that when I am surrounded by negative, needy, selfish, and self-absorbed people, things get even worse. (No judgment here as I too have been those things, which is how I know they don’t work.) So, it is instrumental to surround yourself with people that are in a good, loving and happy place, which may mean temporarily letting go of some very near and dear friends. (At least for a little while.) When you reach a really good place within yourself, you are no longer affected by anything outside of you!

I know that temporarily letting go of dear ones may sound a little cold, but I can assure you that if these dear ones are not empowering and loving towards you then they aren’t so DEAR are they?! It’s like deciding to finally quit smoking and then spending your time with smokers. It’s almost like setting yourself up to fail in advance! What’s up with that? How can any of us make a difference for anyone else if we don’t first make a difference in ourselves?

Keep in mind that unfortunately most people will not be there to support your personal quest towards “The MEGA Way Program” of Living and Eating in Balance not because they don’t want to, but because they just don’t know how to! Ultimately, it is better to keep this journey to yourself and wish in your heart and soul the best for those around you. Only by owning the grand human spirit that you are, will others follow and bask in your light and love.

I still to this day battle with being in the moment and having moment–to-moment conscious, positive thoughts. Probably because I as you am a creature of old habits, but I can assure you all, that just by making one little effort at a time, it will change your lives as you know it.

Now, I am the creator of my life most of the time. I am working daily on being more and more in charge of my life. The journey is what makes it all worthwhile. Try to enjoy every moment in all that you do and forgive yourself for all that you think you aren’t doing. It’s all in your head, no more no less. Also, keep in mind that ultimately, you too are The Creators of your lives!

© Brigette M. Britton and The Mega Way

Resource Box:

Brigette Malaaya Britton, author, holistic nutritionist, and organic gourmet chef, is on a mission is to spread awareness in conscious eating thru cooking and healing. For more information, visit Brigitte's site at

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The MEGA Way: An Evening for the WHOLE YOU

Click on picture for large view.

Honoring my body, Respecting my health, Transforming my life!

Presented by
The MEGA Way
Evening for the WHOLE YOU

An Evening of Holistic Lifestyle Secrets, Personal Empowerment,
Interactive Cooking & Organic Dinner Workshop

What is the I AM Program?
It is an exclusive, innovative gathering of Conscious Lifestyle Professionals including: Holistic Health Practitioners, Organic Gourmet Chefs, Fitness Experts Life Coaches, Shamans, Spiritual Healers, Light Workers, and more. They have come together to Inspire, Empower and Educate the way to live a WHOLE life.

The star-studded evening consists of an organic-holistic cooking class presented by Brigitte M Britton of The MEGA Way followed by a sit-down dinner. Over twelve world-renowned holistic and spiritual professionals from around the world will be sharing themselves and their expertise over dinner in "Delicious Discussions". The evening closes with organic cocktails and mingling.

Goal: The mission of evening and its activities are to expand consciousness and promote great holistic professionals and products to potential clients, celebrities and media. We are here to further the education of how to live a whole life through holistic and green products and services.

Purpose: The 'I AM' programs are currently being held in the following markets: Miami, New York, Dallas, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and Sante Fe. Footage from each program is being complied to pitch a weekly show titled, "Live on Location with The MEGA Way", an interactive, holistic cooking and personal growth empowering workshop-dinner.

About The MEGA Way:
A Nutritional Lifestyle Program developed by international speaker, author and holistic nutritionist/chef Brigitte M Britton, HN. The MEGA way program enables you to, easily take charge over Your Mind, Body & Spirit easily in 30-days. This extraordinary approach provides you with all the information and resources you will need to be in conscious power of your life at ALL times. By understanding how your Mind, Body, and Spirit actually works as one, and to know what is good or bad for it, you will have the desire to think, eat and feel great ALL of the time!

Confirmed Sponsors & Affiliates

The following is a sampling of guests from the last I AM – Program presented by The MEGA Way:

Celebrities Attendees and Clients include:

Maria Conchita Alonso - 100 films, Patrick Kilpatrick - Heros, Leila Milani - Deal or No Deal, Essai Morales - NYPD Blue, Shaun Toub - The Kite Runner - Iron Man, Gerardo Velez, CHIC, Julio Fernandez- Spyro Gyra, SOFIA MILOS, TRACY BINGHAM, SHAUNA SAND LAMAS, CARMEN PEREZ, JESSIE CAMACHO, BAI LING, LEYLA MILANI, MOJO HUNTER, ZEE JAMES , MARK HARRIS, CARLA COLLINS, AND TYRON POWER , JR.

Media Attendees and Affiliations include:

LA Splash Magazine, Beverly Hills Times Magazine, Celebrity Staff Magazine, Natural Living Magazine, Healthy Living Magazine, Self, In Touch, In Style, Allure, E!, HBO, Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine, LA Confidential, E! Online, Hollywood Reporter, Malibu Magazine, Fox News, Hollywood Life, Variety, Urban Network Magazine, LA Direct Magazine, People Magazine, Vogue, Warner Bros Special Event Coordinators and many more.

Presenting Title Sponsorship $5,000
  • Top billing as the official Presenting Sponsor receives overall category exclusivity and inclusion in all Mega Way events - Miami, New York, Dallas, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Santa Fe.
  • Recognition as Presenting Title Sponsor in all major media outreaches.
  • Top billing as the official Presenting Sponsor- logo on all printed materials & media wall.
  • Customized verbiage in the official press release.
  • Sponsor product or service tied into the overall the Mega Way - I AM concept.
  • 2 VIP passes to all related events.
  • Ability to have two ambassadors from the company to gift and/or service the guests.
  • 30 Tickets - to sell or give away
  • 6-foot table for Display
  • Inclusion in gift bag
  • 2-page spread in program
  • 2-Minute Intro
  • 10 Minutes at Dinner Discussion
  • Logo on website, invite – link to your site
Supporting Level Sponsorship $3,000
  • Recognition as a Supporting Sponsor in all major media outreaches and invite.
  • Customized verbiage in the official press release.
  • Ability to have two ambassadors from the company gift and/or service the guests.
  • 20 Tickets - to sell or give away
  • 6-foot table for Display
  • Inclusion in gift bag
  • 2-page spread in program
  • Large Logo in media wall
  • Mention in press release and press packet
  • 2-Minute Intro
  • 10 Minutes at Dinner Discussion
  • Logo on website, invite – link to your site
Premier Mega Team Sponsor $1,500
  • 10-20 Tickets - to sell or give away
  • 6-foot table for Display
  • Inclusion in gift bag
  • 1 full page in program
  • Small Logo in media wall
  • 2-Minute Intro
  • 7 Minutes at Dinner Discussion
  • Logo on website, invite – link to your site
*** All Presenting. Supporting and Mega Team categories will get a CD of pictures from the event along with a full report with media who attended and celebrities who attended. We will be creating 150 GIFT BAGS for the event.

Food/beverage & Gift bag products only-
Level Sponsorship $1000
(Beverages and food products only) Overall category exclusivity as a sponsor. Along with your food, beverages and products to be served as part of the event along with signage & logos looping on a reel throughout the entire event. Marketing materials can be incorporated but must be placed in the gift bag.

Basic Mega Team Sponsor $500
  • 10-20 Tickets - to sell or give away
  • 4-foot table for Display
  • 1/2 full page in program
  • 2-Minute Intro
  • 5 Minutes at Dinner Discussion
  • Logo on website, invite – link to your site


LISA HALL @ GURU GROUP office: 323.420.3023

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome to The MEGA Way's Mission

What if we told you, that in less than 30-days, you would be able to easily take charge over Your Mind, Body, and Spirit? In other words, you will never have to even think about what to eat or not, how and if to exercise or not, which supplements are right for you or not. Just Basically be in a position where YOU know hands on what works for you or not!

We have found through many of our life experiences that the correct knowledge, access to ALL relative information concerning ANY and every subject matter and most important owning the power of your thoughts is the ticket to REAL consciousness. Now, we are not saying or using the word POWER in a "We want to rule the world" context, no, instead we are using this word as "We are in charge of us, our thoughts and ALL that we do" context!

So, what is our Mission Intention? Our Mission Intention has been writing The MEGA Way Trilogy Books and filling it with ALL the information and resources YOU will need to be in conscious power of your life at ALL times. By understanding how your Mind, Body and Spirit actually works as one and what is good or bad for it, only then will you have the desire to think, eat and feel great in your life ALL of the time!

We know from personal experience that if you can last for 30 days on a program really paying attention to your thoughts, what you’re eating, your exercise program and most important, we think, how you are feeling.Then you can last forever on this healthy path!

Only then can you make "The MEGA Way, Holistic, Nutritional Lifestyle Program", and The MEGA Way "I AM" Workshops your continuous and empowering lifelong journey!

Start living today ... The MEGA Way!

Organic Cooking with Intention YUMMO!!!

Brigitte enjoying her blessed organic MEGA Way Protein Shake! Activated withHealth Direct USAOptimal Nutrition Liquid Vitamins!

2095 S. Pacheco #B20
Santa Fe, NM 87505
United States
ph: 646.912.5547
alt: 213.448.7537